Sunday, February 7, 2010


Feelings. What are they? Where do they come from? How do they come to be? I don't know. I don't think anybody knows. You can't define them, you can't explain them, they just are. They're just there. And you have to just accept them for what they are. You have to revere them, ya know? Have a certain respect for them. Because they're your feelings. Don't belittle that. And if you fight them, chances are you're going to lose. Rarely do you win when it's your brain versus your feelings. And if you surrender to them even, you might lose. My point is, you need to respect yourself. Your feelings, your desires, your likes and dislikes, your thoughts, your dreams and need to respect them. Don't try to kill them and don't try to exalt them. Just accept them. Accept yourself for who you are. Don't love yourself, don't hate yourself. Accept and respect. So if you like someone, or if you love someone, don't think, "I shouldn't like her," or "I shouldn't like him." Don't care either about what someone will think if you date or befriend someone whom they don't particularly care for. Just do what you think you should. And that means that, unless it goes explicitly against what God has commanded, against his Law, you need to be the person He made you to be, like the person He has given you desires for. Because your life is beautiful and unique, and when you resist it, you only make it ugly. Don't overanalyze things or people or situations, but respect and accept them. I'm not saying that if you have the desire to go have sex with a person, you shouldn't resist it, by all means, we are told to struggle with temptations and trials. But in places in your life where it obviously isn't a right or wrong thing, like having feelings for someone, or liking a certain activity, or whatever, accept that. Respect that. And have the great adventure called life. And I'm saying all this now because these are things I need to deal with in my own life. I need to get rid of this insecurity, and accept and respect the feelings I have and the things I like, and not worry about what others think. I need to have the great adventure called life. This is all kind of...scattered. But I hope and pray that this helps whoever reads this. Even if it is a little scattered. Yourself. Just be that, and I promise you, your life will be so much more exciting. Have the great adventure called life. And that can't happen if you're not yourself.

Oh and by the way, check out the poem, "Scatter-brain Sweetness" by Rumi. It's great.

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